Foundation of America

Activity Tip for the Weekend: Rainy Day Activities

Rainy April days don’t have to get you down! In this activity tip, Jackie will show you how to fill your rainy day with enriching activities. This event will take place on AFA’s Facebook page:

Activity Tip for the Weekend: April Diamonds – DIY Crystals

Diamonds are forever…And can also be a fun activity too! In this activity tip, Jackie will show you how to create diamond-like crystals in a fun science experiment. This […]

Activity Tip for the Weekend: National Space Day – Exploring the Night Sky

Today is National Space Day! Lets celebrate by participating in some stargazing. In today’s Activity Tip, Jackie will share some great astronomy events happening this month. May 6, 7: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. May 17 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation. May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse & Supermoon For more, check out the Astronomy calendar: […]

Activity Tip for the Weekend: Paper Fortune Teller

Get in touch with your inner-child with this week’s Activity Tip! Jackie will show you haw to create your very own paper fortune teller. Step-By-Step: Supplies: Paper markers/colored pencils scissors […]

Activity Tip for the Weekend: Summer Solstice Flower Crowns

Creating flower crowns are a great way to celebrate summer! In this Activity Tip, Jackie will show you how to create your very own flower crown. Real Flowers: Faux Flowers: Silk Flowers: Cupcake liner flowers: This event will take place on AFA’s Facebook page:

Activity Tip for the Weekend: DIY Rainbow Flag

Let’s spread awareness and celebrate Pride! In this Activity Tip, Jackie will show you how to create your very own Pride flag. Supplies: Fabric for your flag or banner […]