Foundation of America

Virtual Community Class: Art with Alix

Using cardboard and a variety of art materials, Alix will guide you through a grounding activity creating cards to be gathered into a deck. Artist cards can be traded with […]

Virtual Community Class: Virtual Dog Therapy

Join the teams from The Good Dog Foundation for some virtual dog therapy! Watch the dogs do some tricks, be their playful selves, and learn a little bit more about […]

Virtual Community Class: Earth Day Crafts with Jodie

Join Jodie Berman, CTRS and Director of Programs and Engagement at TrueCare Home Care for Earth Day inspired crafts. Using aspects of nature, fresh fruit, and recyclables, let’s create some […]

Activity Tip for the Weekend

Let’s put on some music and sing together! With access to the internet, CDs, or records, you can put on some of our favorite songs and sing together, in the […]

Virtual Community Class: Cooking with Ellen

What do you think of when you think of home? Is it memories of your childhood and your family? Do smells and tastes flood your senses when home crosses you […]

Activity Tip for the Week

For this week’s Activity Tip, we will be discovering the wonders of gardening. Jackie will inspire you to start your own garden, whether it’s by your window or in your […]

Virtual Community Class: Art with Emily

Join Emily Sharp MA, LCAT, ATR-BC, RYT-200, for some virtual Art Therapy! In this virtual class, Emily will demonstrate how to create a one-of-a-kind collage using various clippings and papers […]

Webinar: Care for the Caregiver During Coronavirus COVID-19 Chaos

Caring for our family and friends can be very fulfilling and rewarding, and yet, as we give so much to others, it can also be depleting. Our cars can’t run on empty and neither can we!  It’s not selfish to care for ourselves - it’s just practical; we have to find ways to fill our […]