Foundation of America

Family Dynamics in Dementia Care

LIVE, Interactive Webinar This LIVE Interactive Webinar workshop will review the different types of relationships that may be present in the life of an individual living with dementia. A review […]

Understanding the Path of Those Who Wander

LIVE Interactive Webinar Participants in this professional training will build knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease and explore symptoms that can lead a person to go out in search of something outside […]

Alzheimer’s Disease: Beyond Signs and Symptoms – a LIVE, INTERACTIVE Webinar Training

General Course LIVE Interactive Webinar This LIVE Interactive Webinar workshop describes the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as risk factors and medication used to delay cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric symptoms. We then explore the world of a caregiver and how they are affected by the disease both emotionally and financially. To gain […]

Micro-Level Cultural Consideration in Dementia Care: A Culturally Determined Phenomena and the Effects on Family Caregiving – A LIVE, INTERACTIVE Webinar

LIVE Interactive Webinar Available population data may underestimate the risk and prevalence of dementia among many cultures in the United States. Lack of assessment for need has influenced a lack of cultural support in dementia care. This LIVE interactive workshop aims to broaden participants’ understanding of how dementia is viewed by specific populations (Black Americans, […]

Macro Level Cultural Consideration in Dementia Care: A Population-Based Approach

Social and Cultural Competence Course LIVE Interactive Webinar In American society, our most vulnerable populations are at a greater risk for morbidity and mortality. This phenomenon is the same for dementia. This LIVE Interactive workshop aims to look at the following three modifiable health factors 1) social determinants of health 2) barriers to care and […]

Understanding Behaviors as Forms of Communication– A LIVE, INTERACTIVE Webinar Training

General Course LIVE Interactive Webinar This LIVE interactive Webinar workshop will aim to highlight the importance of understanding the impact dementia and related illness has on a person's ability to communicate. As a result, care partners and care professionals may need to shift their communication approach and gain insight into the variety of ways individuals […]