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Care Connection Webinar: Improving Quality of Life with Music-Based Interventions

April 13, 2023 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm EDT

Music is not just entertainment.  Dr. Tomaino will speak about the profound effect of personalized music in recalling and re-experiencing memories. Learn how applying musical interventions can support people with Alzheimer’s, and their caregivers, by decreasing difficult behaviors.

Guest Speaker

Dr. Concetta Tomaino

Executive Director and co-founder, with renowned author and neurologist Oliver Sacks, of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function

Dr. Tomaino is internationally known for her 40-plus years of research in the clinical applications of music and neurologic rehabilitation. She lectures on music therapy throughout the world.

Her work has been featured in national programs, documentaries; in international programs including the BBC; and in books on health and healing. Dr. Sacks’ book Musicophilia is dedicated to her. 

Click below to view more webinars for dementia caregivers and professionals. Past topics include:

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