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Care Connection Webinar: Exploring Dimensions of Spirituality & Dementia

August 12, 2021 @ 1:00 pm EDT

Stigma, fear, and negative stereotypes often surround dementia, but more life-affirming approaches to this common and complex human condition are possible. This webinar will explore spiritual aspects of dementia, highlighting the power and possibilities of reframing dementia in hopeful, humanizing terms. Participants will be invited to consider dementia beyond progressive vacancy and dread—making room for creativity, imagination, meaning, and deepened relationships.

Guest speaker:

Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper

Author, On Vanishing: Morality, Dementia, and What It Means to Disappear

Minister, Older Adults at The Riverside Church in New York City



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August 12, 2021
1:00 pm EDT
Event Category: