Foundation of America

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Virtual Community Class: Art with Kyla

December 11, 2020 @ 2:30 pm EST

Join Kyla Berry, LCAT, ATR-BC for an inspiring virtual Art Therapy session. In this session, you will be asked to create a flag that represents you as a person. Through utilization of collage, we will find images that you feel represent your past and/or present self. This flag will be a meaningful depiction of the person you are, allowing you to facilitate a discussion of plans, goals, and feelings. This journey will provide a safe space to create and explore, while shedding some insight into the power of symbolism.

List of Supplies: Construction paper, felt, or cloth fabric for the base of the flag, Pair of dull-tip scissors, Glue (stick or otherwise), Ballpoint pen, pencil, or writing utensil, A magazine or an assortment of magazine clippings, One or all of the following: Markers/Colored pencils/paints, A dowel or paper towel roll for the handle of the flag.

This event will take place on AFA’s Facebook page:


December 11, 2020
2:30 pm EST